August 13, 2020


“The best investment you can ever make is in your own health.”

Class Description:

  • A fun, one-hour group workout that’s all about that functional fitness in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.
  • High intensity interval style training sure to improve your strength, mobility, and cardiovascular health.
  • The WOD (workout of the day) changes daily to keep you interested and your body always adapting.
  • Scale options are provided every class, so while we workout together as a group, everyone works at their own, personal level.
  • Things you might see in the WOD? Barbells/plates, dumbbells, kettlebells, boxes, rowers, bikes, rings, rig work, body weight movements, games – the programming options are endless!
  • This class is appropriate for anyone 14 years and up.

Upcoming Sessions:

There are currently no upcoming sessions available for registration at this time.