Ask A Physio: “I have TMJ. What can you do to treat this?”

You asked:

“I have TMJ. What can you do to treat this?”

Our response:

“TMJ” is the temporomandibular joint – this is the joint that connects your jaw bone to your skull. So, technically, everyone has TMJ! 🙂 We can help an issue in your TMJ in a similar way we do with the rest of the body. Your therapist will assess your jaw’s range of motion, strength, joint mobility and muscular tissue. This is done through observation, touching your jaw externally, and specific work inside the mouth. The specific treatment the therapist provides will be tailored to what they find in your exam, but will likely involve home exercises and education, as well as muscle release work and joint mobilizations. 

We are still able to offer complete TMJ assessment and treatment during COVID-19 and masking regulations. Clients are permitted to remove their mask for specific assessment and treatment that requires it. Your therapist will be in full PPE throughout the treatment and you will be screened for illness/exposure prior to entering the clinic as we do with all treatments.Â